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Forms of Transportation - Montessori Voc



檔案大小:110.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Forms of Transportation - Montessori Vocabulary(圖1)-速報App

A Montessori Approach to learning about different forms of transportations


In the Learning Center, learn about 27 different forms of transportation including an automobile, boat and hovercraft. Learn their name, basic information and mode of transportation.

Activity #1 is a famous Three-Part Card Matching System used in Montessori Classrooms. Children can drag the picture cards and labels to match them up to the control cards at the top.

Forms of Transportation - Montessori Vocabulary(圖2)-速報App

Activity #2 is an activity matching the mode of transportation (land, water, air) to the form of transportation form.

This Montessori application was co-developed and approved by an AMI certified, Montessori teacher with over forty years experience educating children!

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Forms of Transportation - Montessori Vocabulary(圖3)-速報App

App page: http://www.mobilemontessori.org/formsoftransportation

Forms of Transportation - Montessori Vocabulary(圖4)-速報App
